The Secret To A Great Resume (According To Science):

Having a good Resume that actually makes interviewers want to hire you is really important (obviously). But what is the secret to having an awesome Resume that’ll turn heads? Here it is: Show Your Impact In Numbers Everyone loves a good statistic and dollar amount. For example, instead of saying: “I ran a large marketing …

How To Answer: Why Should I Hire YOU in an interview.

Why Should I Hire YOU in an interview? This is a hard question that MOST of us dread when we are seated down at an interview. You don’t want to come off as cocky, but not being confident enough can hurt you, too. It’s not easy finding that perfect balance. BUT it is incredibly important …

What To Include In A Resume

Depending on where you are at in your career, it can be totally scary to sit down and write a strong Resume words. If you have had a long career, you have pages and pages of experience to document. If you have just graduated college, you are probably trying to make your half a page …

Top 5 ways to get through Resume Scanners

You may have heard that the first step to getting a job interview is making it past the stage where a recruiter looks at your CV or Resume and makes a split-second decision about whether to chuck your Resume into the discard pile. So, is your Resume destined to the garbage can? Or will an …

Fired at 50 years of age and successfully looking

You’ve been with a company for 20 years and established a lucrative career, but now you’ve found yourself unemployed. There are many reasons that this can happen after being with a company for 20 years, downsizing, restructuring, or the business closing. Unfortunately, if you’ve given a company 20 years, the job search seems even more …

You Weren’t Hired Because You Are Smarter Than Everyone

Expectations When anyone gets a new role, there’s an element that there’s an expectation that they’re bringing something new. You were hired because you interviewed the best and the company found you appealing. They’re bringing something to the role that maybe they had that wasn’t previously there and that the company is looking for. Coming …

Wanna increase your salary?

Wanna Increase your salary at your current job? The hard work is not over. You just accepted the job of your dreams. Now the real work begins. Doing the work is only part of being successful in your job. There are other things that will also influence your success with the company. It is important …

Job Search Preparation

You’re looking for a job You’ve found yourself in the position where you’re looking for a job. It’s not often under pleasant circumstances that one finds themselves here, but you can determine what your job search experience will be like! So, where do you go from here? You need to be prepared. Have a game …

Your College Degree, or Experience wins the jobs?

Hunting for a new job but bombarded with positions asking for a 4-year degree In today’s world, when we are out hunting for a new job we’re bombarded with positions asking for a 4-year degree. This is great in theory; the organization is seeking someone with knowledge of job processes and a fresh perspective. However, …