How To Answer: Why Should I Hire YOU in an interview.

Why Should I Hire YOU in an interview? Keywords for explaining in an interview This is a hard question that MOST of us dread when we are seated down at an interview. You don’t want to come off as cocky, but not being confident enough can hurt you, too. It’s not easy finding that perfect balance. Woman on a phone interview BUT it is incredibly important to answer well on this question, because your interviewer will be looking for this when deciding which candidate they need to hire. So. HOW do you answer? Here are key tips: Make it ALL about them.hand-shake-by-a-professional Think of your interview as a first date with someone REALLY selfish. To be honest, your interviewer likely doesn’t care about what YOU want. They care about what THEY want in an employee, and who is going to best fill that slot. Explain exactly why YOU can bring to THEM. How to do that in 3 steps:
  1. Identify the top 3 skills they need in that job and put them in an ending statement.
  2. Stick to 2-3 sentences per skill.
  3. Close with a thank you for their time (remember – it’s not about YOUR time).
For example: I know that face-to-face customer service skills are extremely important for this position. I am considered the top salesman at my current job, and often interact with customers face to face. I also understand that initiative in imperative to being successful here, and my references will be more than happy to tell you about my proactive personality and how I take charge of a situation to get things done. Finally, I know you want someone who will be great from the get-to, with little training. Luckily, I am an extremely fast learning and enjoy the challenge of picking up new skills. I’m never afraid to ask for help when I need it, and I don’t make the same mistakes twice.
Interviews don’t have to make you sick to your stomach. You can face them like a champion. Hopefully, with these tips in your back pocket, you won’t need to go on more than one! Good luck!