Don’t Fret
How many of us have applied to a job, gone to an interview and felt like we aced it, only to get the dreaded “We regret to inform you we have gone with another candidate”? If you’re wondering if it was something you did, I’m going to try to give you a little insight into ways you may be sabotaging your interview experience. Sometimes the organization you’re interviewing for really found a better candidate, and sometimes, they’ve passed you over because you’ve done one (or all) of these things. 1. Do not be late. It is the first step to a poor experience if you are late to the interview. If you can’t be on time to the interview, how can you prove to an employer that you can be on time to work on a daily basis? It is critical if you are going to be late that you call ahead, and reschedule if necessary. However, I’d recommend trying your best to ensure you never find yourself in this position.