According to the White House women still earn an average of 77 cents for every dollar a man earns in the United States. It’s a discouraging statistic, but there are things you can do to make sure you are earning the most you can for the work that you do. Below are some tips for women to make more money at work:
Know your worth. It is vital that you
know what the average pay is for the work you do and that you ask for pay that is equal to the work you perform and your level of expertise. There are tools you can use to help research the regional average for your position and industry. The key is to make sure you also account for where you live, in addition to your position and your level of experience. In your particular location, pay may actually be higher than the national average because of demand or cost of living. Here’s a couple of free tools that may help you in your research:
Track your accomplishments. Lastly, as you add new skills, produce great results, or contribute to successes for the company – keep track of these accomplishments (check out the idea of a job journal). If you always have a clear idea of how you are contributing, it will be easier for you to make a case for yourself when it is time for an evaluation, promotion, or when you are looking for your next job.
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- Department of Labor Equal Pay Act App Challenge.
- OES Data Explorer – Is a simplified tool to help look up salary information housed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This tool was another winner of the DOL Equal Pay Act App Challenge. The BLS is also a good site to use for research about career outlooks and trends, but it can be a little more difficult to find information on just because there is a high volume of information on the site. The app makes it easier to quickly get the salary information that matters to you.
- Ask for highly visibility projects – Is there a new process being implemented? Does your boss have a key project coming up that you could take a lead in? Ask to be the one to lead projects that have a great impact on the organization – and be prepared to make a compelling case for why you should do it. You’ll have a better chance at recognition if you get out of the shadows.
- Identify your fans – Know who on your team, in your company, or in your network is willing to speak on your behalf. Keep them informed of your wins and maintain your relationships with them carefully. It is good to have an advocate when it is time for you to get a raise, a promotion, or to act as a reference for your next job.