You just moved to a new city, and life is about to get awesome. You have a cool place to live, new friends, the works….but now it’s time to get a new job (yuck).
First things first: remove your address from your Resume, unless you already have a new address. Searching for a job in Seattle with a Maryland address will put you at the bottom of the pile for sure. Companies don’t want to pay for relocation, and you may hurt your chances of getting a good job.
Second: change your location on all your social media accounts, especially LinkedIn. This will reflect to your employers that you want to be taken seriously by moving to their location and showing at on your profiles.
Third: Be sure you put the dates you are available to interview. If you are out of town, there may only be a few dates that you can be in town to interview. State them in your cover letter as a sign of courtesy to your future employers.
Fourth: Conduct thorough research on the job market in the new city. Identify industries that align with your skills and interests and assess the demand for your profession.
Fifth: Get to know the city you are moving to. You may be asked relevant, location based questions and it will really impress your employer if you are able to answer those questions with ease. Take a tour of the town, read up on all the important info and wow those interviewers!
Last, work with a local recruiter! They will be able to show you the ropes, get you hooked up with the right jobs and help you learn about the city. It’s all about connections, so the more you can make before you move, the easier it will be for you to find a job.
It’s not impossible to relocate without a job set up – and you can do it with the right tools!
Happy job hunting!